Hi, thanks for visiting my website and learning more about me. My name is Jason Rothman, and I’m a freelance AdWords consultant from Oklahoma City. I set up and manage AdWords campaigns for clients in the United States and from around the world. I have clients everywhere from Oklahoma City, to New York, to Australia.
I love managing AdWords accounts, and I love serving my clients. Being an AdWords management consultant is my dream job, and I’ve been lucky enough to be doing it full-time since July of 2014. Let me tell you a little bit about myself and how I got here.
OOOOOOOO-Oklahoma where the wind comes sweepin’ down the plain…
I’m from Tulsa, Oklahoma and I have lived and worked in Oklahoma City since 2011. I love Oklahoma! I’m proud to call this great state my home and I plan on living here for the rest of my life.
Growing up I loved two things, basketball and making money. I did two things during high school and college, I played basketball and I worked. I quickly found out that my professional basketball career was a non-starter, and after I realized that dream wasn’t going to happen, I got to work and had a number of jobs that influenced my work ethic and ability to get along with people.

The Warehouse
I worked in amusement park maintenance, as a bag-boy at a grocery store, at a gym, and as a picker/packer in a cell phone accessories warehouse. That warehouse job tattooed my soul with a respect for hard work and a drive to never go back there. I did two summers and one winter in that warehouse and it was hard work. It was hot during the summer and cold in the winter. I was on the second shift, and we started at noon and we were on our feet filling orders until that day’s stack of orders was done. Some nights we’d go until midnight or even 1am. Then I’d drive 45 minutes across town, get some sleep, and do it all again the next day. That warehouse job was a seminal event in my life and influenced me as much as anything ever did. I can’t put into words what having that job as a young man did for my work ethic and drive.
The warehouse job experience had me fired up and ready to take on the world and achieve something with my life. After the warehouse job, I went to Oklahoma State University and earned a bachelors degree in accounting. I was a very serious student and graduated with honors and a really high GPA (it’s so high its embarrassing!). After school I took an accounting job at SandRidge Energy in Oklahoma City.
I worked a SandRidge and quickly found out that despite four years of studying it, my love and respect for accounting did not translate into actually doing accounting as a profession. But I’m stubborn and it took me a couple more accounting jobs in Oklahoma City to figure out that doing accounting as a job was not something that I wanted to do for my career. But I did learn a lot at those accounting jobs. I saw how the business world worked, and I experienced what it was like to work at both large corporations and small family offices.
The Internet
While I was at those accounting jobs I spent my nights learning about blogging, SEO, and online marketing. I read up on all those kinds of things and eventually started some small websites that still churn out a profit to this day. And when I say I learned about this stuff, I went deep! For a couple years, blogging and niche websites and all that kind of stuff was my main hobby.
Eventually I turned my knowledge of SEO into a job and career transition. While I was at my last accounting job I saw that a local web design agency was hiring for an SEO position and I got an interview and then got hired by that agency. I did SEO at that agency for clients for a little over a year and I learned a lot about Google and client relationships. After a few months of just doing SEO my boss also starting bringing in a few pay per click clients and we started managing their AdWords campaigns. And wow! I loved AdWords right from the start. I loved the creative marketing side of it, and I also loved the measurable number side of it. Providing AdWords management services at that agency satisfied my creative side with the marketing and my analytical accounting side with the numbers. I fell in love with AdWords.
I wanted to transition into providing only AdWords management services so I could focus on the AdWords platform and become great at it. My boss had other plans and did not want to transition away from SEO. I could see that AdWords management was not a service that was going to take off at that agency, and I started freelancing on the side with my own AdWords clients that I found on freelancing websites.

Enter AdWords
For the next nine months I went to my day job and then serviced my AdWords clients at night. Again, I went deep on an industry and really dove into AdWords. I managed accounts, I found mentors, I read books, I read articles, and I watched videos. After nine months I got AdWords Certified by Google and became a Google Partner. And by that time I also had enough clients of my own to quit the agency job and freelance full-time.
2014 and Beyond!
Since July 2014, I’ve been a self-employed AdWords consultant. It’s my dream job, and I never take that for granted. I work hard every singly day serving my clients. I’m lucky enough to do my dream job every day, and I’m about as far away from that warehouse as I can get. And what got me here? An intense devotion to continually learning more and more about Google, Google AdWords, marketing, psychology, and business, and an even intenser devotion to serving my clients. My clients are my number one priority, they are the reason that I am here and not in that warehouse, and I will never forget that. It’s tattooed on my soul.
So for now until the end of my career I plan to live in Oklahoma City with my wonderful girlfriend, provide AdWords management services, and wake up every day to serve my clients.
Thank you for reading about me and my story. Let me know how I can help you here.