What does your company believe? Why do you get up everyday and do what you do? Sure, we all need to make a living and put food on the table, but if that’s the only driver of why you do what you do, then someone more passionate and purpose-driven will come along and wipe your company off the face of the Earth. What is your mission, your passion, your purpose?
In order to attract people to your business, people need to know your “why.” At Rothman PPC this week, we watched the TED Talk posted below, and we decided to formally articulate why we do what we do. Here’s what it boils down to.
We believe in using the power of cold, hard data to create cold, hard success. We believe that every dollar spent on an advertising campaign should create profit. We believe that advertising guess work, feelings and hocus-pocus should be replaced with data, numbers and the scientific method. And we believe in partnering with local businesses to empower them to succeed.
How do we help local businesses succeed? By harnessing the power of AdWords done right. AdWords allows you to to get in front of people looking for EXACTLY what your company offers, at the EXACT moment they’re looking for it. How can that form of advertising not work?
We know that AdWords works. It works because AdWords provides real, measurable, testable data. It proves itself when it brings in long phone calls, completed lead forms, and e-commerce sales. It proves itself when it gives you precise data on what searches, ad copy, and locations bring in those leads and sales. AdWords proves its profitability to the advertiser. There’s nothing better.
The reason some advertisers and businesses haven’t seen it work is because they don’t have the time, energy, resources, or expertise to give AdWords a fair chance. They don’t spend time learning the platform, and they don’t give it enough budget to experiment and find the best strategies to profitably bring in new customers.
That’s where we come in. With years of experience, we have the necessary time, energy, resources, AND expertise to make AdWords work. And it does. Our clients have experienced phenomenal results. No hocus-pocus, just cold, hard data creating cold, hard success. At the end of the day, we love seeing your business thrive.
Why do you do what you do?