Funny story time about that one time when I got cussed out by a lawyer… who then hired me!
One time I went on a sales call to local lawyer’s office to try to sign him up as a new client. My services were referred to this lawyer by an existing client of mine, so I assumed I was walking into a friendly environment and had an easy sell in front of me.
Never assume.
So I walk in there and the place looks exactly like it’s out of a movie. Old furniture, old building, old smells. The secretary greets me and she seems like she’s been there a long time and is really the one running the place. “Take a seat hun.”
Ten minutes later the lawyer comes out, firm handshake, and we walk into his conference room. And there’s 5 other people in there! I was expecting a one on one.
So then I sit there for the next 20 minutes and hear the horror story that was their former campaign manager. The guy had done an awful job and all day long they were paying for traffic and getting calls from people looking for other lawyers and legal services that they did not offer.
And they were furious and sick of wasting money on their campaigns. They could never get a straight answer from their former campaign manager and they were red hot mad. The lawyer cussed up a storm. F this, F that, and on and on. “We’ve been through 3 other AdWords managers and no one can F-ing get it right! F!!!”
His staff kept asking me “Jason, sorry for all the cursing, we’re just really mad about the situation, are you okay?”
I’m a big boy, I can take it.
I couldn’t stop grinning because I know how easy this sell would be because I knew how much I could help them.
So then we move on to how I can help the situation. I told them, “look, AdWords can work, you just have to run it correctly.” I explained to them the difference between keywords (what you target) and search terms (what you get), and I told them I would run their campaign so they would only get calls from people who were actually looking for the exact services they offered. And I would add all their competitor names as negative keywords so they wouldn’t get wrong number calls all the time anymore.
I told them, “I’ll be the last AdWords manager you ever need!”
S to the O to the L to the D. SOLD!
Being transparent with the client and explaining search terms and negative keywords to them won the day. This lawyer is now one of my best clients and all day long, every day he gets calls from new potential clients who are looking for EXACTLY what he offers.
I got cussed out. I got hired.