Have you heard of call-only AdWords ads? They are so cool! Call-only ads are a way to advertise on mobile Google searches with mobile ads that have a phone number at the top of the ad instead of the traditional ad headline text. The only option the search user has when they want to click on your call-only ad is to click on the phone number and call your business directly from the mobile ad. They don’t have the option of going to your website.
Call-only ads are great for small businesses that are in need of more leads and want to get the phone ringing. Lawyers, movers, dentists, doctors, roofers, plumbers, CPAs… all of those types of businesses can benefit greatly from the call-only ads. But in my experience many advertisers aren’t using call-only ads yet.
The below image is from Google’s article on call-only ads, and it shows you how the traditional ad headline text is replaced with a phone number that a search user can click on to call the business directly from the ad.

Call-only ads are an excellent option for small businesses because they allow you to essential “pay per call” and bid on phone calls. Many small businesses advertise on AdWords to get phone calls, so this form of advertising speeds up that process a couple of steps and allows the advertiser to advertise exclusively for phone calls on mobile searches.
Optimize Your Ad Copy
When you make ad copy for your call-only make sure to include a call to action that encourages the search user to call your business. Effective call to actions to encourage a phone call are phrases like:
Call now!
Call now for more information.
Call now for a quick quote!
The entire point of call-only ads is to get phone calls, so make sure you use call to actions to encourage those phone calls. And test out lots of different ad copy to see which copy leads to the highest clickthrough and conversions rates.
Be Prepared To Bid Higher
Phone calls are of course more valuable to an advertiser than clicks, because the entire goal of getting clicks is to get phone calls and leads. Since the mobile call-only ads bypass the website visit and cut directly to the end goal, the phone call, they are generally more valuable than clicks to your website. Because of the value equation here, you often have to bid a little bit higher for phone calls than regular website clicks, but that’s okay because it’s all about getting phone calls and the overall cost per conversion.
Your call-only clicks are probably going to cost more than your traditional website clicks, but again, that’s okay because they’re more valuable. And also consider using a mobile bid adjustment to try and get these mobile call-only ads into the number 1 position, which can lead to more phone calls than positions 2, 3, and lower.
Track Conversions
Finally, don’t forget to set up conversion tracking to separate the good calls from the bad calls. In AdWords, you can choose to make all calls that last longer than a certain time period “conversions.” I like to make the time period 60 seconds. If a call lasts longer than 60 seconds, then it signifies that it was a quality call and I am happy to call it a conversion. And in AdWords I’m then able to check the performance data and find out which ads and keywords are leading to the conversions, the quality calls that last longer than 60 seconds. Then I allocate more budget to those high-converting keywords and ads, and less budget to the lower-converting keywords and ads.
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